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Se si considera che Sami Kehela è iracheno di nascita, "Shorty" può essere considerato come il miglior giocatore canadese di tutti i tempi.

 Nato a Toronto nel 1911, ha iniziato a giocare con successo quando era studente universitario, si è laureato in lingue all'Università di Toronto ed ha servito nella Canadian Army durante il secondo conflitto mondiale dal 1939 al 1945.

 Prima dell'avvento dei master points, era il giocatore americano che vantava il miglior piazzamento ed è anche stato il primo Life Master canadese (1948). 

 Tra gli anni trenta e cinquanta dello scorso secolo, Shorty è stato proprietario, manager e direttore didattico del Saint Clair Bridge Club dove si sono formati molti dei migliori giocatori canadesi.

 In Nord America ha vinto una dozzina di titoli canadesi, due Spingold (1964 e 1965) e 2 Reisinger (1936 e 1951), mentre su quello internazionale può vantare un bronzo alle Olimpiadi francesi del 1968.

Con Murray, Kehela ed il suo partner Bruce Elliot, ha formato quella che può essere considerata la più forte Squadra canadese di ogni tempo.

Scomparso nel 1993, nel 2005 è stato eletto nella Hall of Fame Nord Americana e nel 2010 in quella Canadese.

  Taken from the Hall of Fame 

Percy (Shorty) Sheardown was a graduate in classics from the University of Toronto with a natural affinity for languages. He served overseas in World War II and, declining a commission, became one of the top interrogators of prisoners of war.

Stationed in London, he continued his bridge partnership with the late Brigadier Donald Farquharson at Crockford’s. It was an odd spectacle for the English to see a lowly NCO explain to the brigadier how the superior officer had erred.

In fact, the Sheardown--Farquharson partnership was so effective that complaints of cheating at Crockford’s rained down upon them. The complaints eventually died a natural death when other players realized that the pair had an extremely effective partnership and was honest beyond reproach.

Shorty was a superb declarer and defender and unquestionably one of the greatest matchpoint and board-a-match players of his generation. Being a rubber bridge player, he was hesitant to bid slams; the predilection encouraged his partners to overbid, which in turn was justified by Shorty’s card play.

Shorty’s longtime partnership with Bruce Elliott was exceedingly successful, and his masterful abilities were recognized by the experts of the day, including occasional partners Ely Culbertson and Waldemar von Zedtwitz.

Sheardown became Canada’s first Life Master in 1948 and represented

Canada at the World Team Olympiads in Turin and Deauville during the 1960s. His first major victory was the 1936 Chicago Trophy, originally donated by the Auction Bridge Club of Chicago in 1929 for the North American Open Team B-A-M Championship. He twice won the Spingold and was second in the Life Master Pairs.

Percy (Shorty) Sheardown a été le premier joueur de bridge canadien important, le plus important de tous, d’après Ralph Cohen. Shorthy était un déclarant hors pair et il a gagné de nombreux titres dans les années 1930 et 1940, incluant le Chicago Trophy en 1936. La plupart de ses victoires dans les années 1950 et 1960 l’ont été avec Bruce Elliott comme partenaire, dont une autre victoire du Chicago en 1951. Leur équipe, avec Murray et Kehela comme coéquipiers, est considérée comme la meilleure équipe canadienne de tous les temps. En plus de leurs deux victoires dans le Spingold, leur équipe, à laquelle se sont joints Gerry Charney et Bill Cissey, a terminé troisième aux Olympiades de 1968. Sheardown a gagné le trophée Fishbein pour la meilleure performance au National d’été de 1964, alors qu’il remportait le Spingold avec Elliott, Murray et Kehela et qu’il terminait deuxième dans les Life Master Pairs avec Elliott. Ils ont défendu leur titre avec succès l’année suivante.

Percy Sheardown (1911-1993) a passé la majeure partie de sa vie à Toronto comme propriétaire du St. Clair Bridge Club, qu’il a acquis à son retour du front lors la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Shorty a été le premier Canadien à devenir Maître à vie.

Parmi les intronisés de cette année, Kehela, Murray et Sheardown sont aussi membres du Temple de la renommée de l’ACBL.

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