Federazione Bridge Canadese | Fédération Bridge Canadien | Canadian Bridge Federation |
Quando il Contract Bridge si diffuse nel mondo i giocatori americani si organizzarono autonomamente in entità regionali e quelle appartenenti al Canada Centrale ed Orientale che rappresentarono una parte dell'ACBL presero una via diversa di quelle appartenenti al Canada occidentale che andarono invece a far parte della Pacific Bridge League fino a quando nel 1955, anch'essa confluì nell'ACBL.
Poi quando nel 1960 i giocatori canadesi iscritti alla ACBL hanno superato il numero dei 10.000, si è cominciata a sentire la necessità di poter organizzare campionati nazionali propri e indipendenti da quelli organizzati dall'ACBL per il Nord America e di poter inoltre esprimere una propria rappresentativa nazionale alle varie competizioni organizzate dalla WBF.
Fu il grande Eric Murray il primo a concepire una sola unica Federazione che raggruppasse tutti i giocatori canadesi coast-to-coast e questi ultimi reagirono tanto entusiasticamente a questa sua idea che nel 1965 si maturò la storica decisione di costituire la CBF attraverso la libera donazione finanziaria di ogni singolo giocatore canadese.
Il primo evento che sancì la effettiva nascita della Canadian Bridge Federation fu la finale dei Campionati Nazionali del 1967 che si svolse a Winnipeg.
Oggi la CBF è organizzata in sei Zone geografiche, continua a reggersi sui contributi degli iscritti e pubblica una rivista a tiratura nazionale: la "Bridge Canada".
Nel 2009 nel corso della riunione del suo Consiglio di Amministrazione svoltasi a Princeton, la CBF ha deciso di istituire anche una propria Hall of Fame distinta da quella ACBL, nella quale onorare le personalità del Bridge canadese che maggiormente si distinguono per meriti sportivi, etici e organizzativi.
La Hall of Fame canadese sarà gestita da un apposito Comitato che ha avuto come primo Presidente John Carruthers e che a partire dal 2010 eleggerà durante lo svolgimento dei Canadian Bridge Championships delle personalità scomparse o almeno sessantenni catalogandole in due distinti rami per meriti sportivi (Players), e per meriti etico-organizzativi (Builders).
I primi canadesi che hanno avuto l'onore di essere eletti nella Hall of Fame sono stati: Percy Sheardown, Sami Kehela, Eric Murray, Sam Gold e Bruce Elliott.
The history of organized bridge in Canada is linked inextricably with the
evolution of the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL). After the invention of
contract, players in Canada organized themselves into regional entities which
eventually coalesced with larger organizations centered south of the border.
Eastern-Central and Western Canada followed different paths. The former was
always aligned with the ACBL, even before that organization became predominant
in North America. Western Canada, on the other hand, was originally a part of
the Pacific Bridge League which amalgamated with the ACBL fairly recently, in
1955. These two separate histories are reflected today in the size difference
between eastern-central and western Canadian units: the latter usually are
smaller geographically.
By the 1960s Canadian membership in the ACBL had surpassed 10,000, due mainly to the stimulus provided by the Leagues club and tournament programs. As much as Canadians enjoyed ACBL bridge, they still lacked an organization that linked them directly. And so the Canadian Bridge Federation (CBF) came to fill this void.
The impetus for creating the CBF was a new opportunity for international competition created by the fledgling World Bridge Federation: The 1960 World Bridge Olympiad.This was a competition where each country would be represented by its own national team. By then, Canadian experts such as Eric Murray, Sammy Kehela, Bruce Elliott, and Pearcy Sheardown had made their mark on the North American scene. They, and a younger phalanx of budding Canadian superstars, took up the challenge of playing for Canada. Canadas effort at the first Olympiad was moderately successful. Things improved in 1964 when our country finished an impressive fourth. It soon became obvious that some sort of entity was needed to organize national competition for selection of our international teams, and, if possible, to provide them with both moral and financial support. Eric Murray, whose energy and drive are legendary, was the prime instigator of the new, as yet unnamed, organization. The organization began as an informal coast-to-coast network of supporters which gradually evolved into a more concrete structure.
Canadian ACBL units responded favorably to Erics plans to build a formal organization. Meetings on this theme were held whenever bridge players gathered. At the 1965 Nationals (now called North American Bridge Championships) in Chicago, a group of Canadian organizers and enthusiasts, led by Eric, made the historic decision to create the CBF. This would be a voluntary association of Canadian ACBL units where each member unit would decide the level of its financial contribution. Besides Eric, the Chicago group included: Henry Smilie, Vancouver; Doug Cannell, Winnipeg; Chuck Jane, Woodstock; Bill Robinson, Al Lando, and Doug Drew, Toronto; Aaron Goodman, Montreal; and Don Dobson, Halifax. Together, these individuals represented more than 80% of Canadian ACBL members.
A strategy meeting was held at Erics Toronto home following the Chicago Nationals. There, the founders of the CBF, including most of the Chicago nucleus, decided to hold a further meeting with official unit representatives at the Denver Nationals in 1966. The founders would present a plan for the formation and structure of the CBF, to be approved by unit officials. The latter would provide further direction on policies governing selection of our international teams through national trials, and funding of selected players.
Chuck Jane undertook the mammoth task of devising the first trials format and organizing a nationwide group of volunteers to conduct local events for qualification to a national final. The CBFs first playdown culminated in a national final held in Winnipeg in September, 1967.
The CBF has grown and changed since those early years. The current constitution provides for six zones, each represented by a Zone Director. The zones comprise units which are grouped more-or-less according to geography.
Units remain the cornerstone of the CBF since they elect the Zone Directors and continue to contribute financially on a voluntary basis. A historic event occurred recently in 1990 when the ACBL agreed to levy CBF membership fees from individual Canadian ACBL members and turn these funds over to the CBF. The implication is that the CBF has now become a legitimate membership organization, in addition to being a federation of Canadian ACBL units. The CBF now represents all players, not just champions vying for international competition. This has required a rethinking of the aims of the organization and the CBF is now in the process of developing programs having broad appeal including, for example: flighted national championships; a magazine tailored to a wider readership; various educational initiatives; and promoting bridge in a broader spectrum of Canadian institutions.
The CBF Board administers five separate funds:
• Charitable Fund: The charitable fund takes in monies raised through ACBL charity games held in Canada. These monies are then used exclusively to assist national and regional Canadian charities. The Zone Directors act as trustees for the Charitable Fund.
• International Fund: Revenue for the international fund comes from varying sources: CBF International Fund Regional (introduced in 2004), from ACBL International Fund Games held in Canada by clubs and Sectional Tournaments and surtaxes on Canadian National Final entry fees. These monies are used to provide financial support to our international representatives.
• General Operating Fund: Supports the day-to-day running of the organization which entails the following costs: a salaried manager, or “CBF Executive Assistant”; a CBF office; publication of a national bridge magazine (Bridge Canada); annual meeting of the CBF Board of Directors; cash prizes for some events at Bridge Week; providing Internet Vugraph of our CNTC-Flight A two day final; and other minor expenses.
• Junior Development Fund: Revenue for the Junior Development Fund is derived mainly from Junior Fund games held at clubs throughout Canada. These funds are used to run the Junior Program which selects, trains, and subsidizes junior teams to represent Canada in the various University, Youth and Schools Team World Championships. In addition, the Junior Development Fund is used to support grassroots events that help bring more young players into bridge.
• Erin Berry Memorial Trust Fund: Erin Berry, who was one of Canada’s up and coming young players, was tragically killed in a car accident in 1998. This fund was established in 2001 as a trust fund set up by Erin’s father, Larry Berry. The Trust Account is meant to help Juniors 19 or younger with expenses incurred to attend bridge events. The Memorial Fund will be used to help subsidize Youth Category Canadian players, who are members of the CBF, for bridge related activities. In no case will any individual receive more than 75% subsidy to the bridge activity.
both the international and general operating funds have experienced a seemingly
perpetual financial crisis. The future of the international fund is uncertain;
the addition of new sources of revenue in recent years has helped but we are
still a long way from being able to give adequate financial support to our
Canadian representatives. The general operating fund improved greatly with the
implementation of individual membership fees. However, in recent years the
decline in members paying the CBF yearly membership fee (only about 50% of
Canadian ACBL members pay CBF membership fees) has again put pressure on this
Canadians can be proud of the CBF’s 40+ years. Looking ahead, the future of
the organization will depend in large measure on the continued support of an
informed membership. However, enlightened and dedicated leadership will also be
a telling factor. Volunteers are the lifeblood of the CBF. At the grassroots
level the smooth running of national championships depends on the selfless
contribution of club and unit officials. This commitment has always been
forthcoming. May it continue in the future! At the zonal and national levels,
the CBF has luckily been blessed with talented leadership, men and women who
have given of their time and energies through this first 40 years. Ladies and
gentlemen, we Canadian bridge players salute and thank you for your efforts!
This historical item was written by Aidan Ballantyne, in collaboration with Doug Drew, and published in the CBF 25th Anniversary Booklet, November 1991. Updates have been made to parts of the article in 2007.
du Bridge
au Canada est inextricablement liée à l'évolution de l'American Contract
Bridge League (ACBL). Après
l'invention du contrat, les joueurs au Canada s'organisent en entités régionales
qui a finalement fusionné avec les grandes organisations centrée au sud de la
frontière. Est-Central
et de l'Ouest Canada a suivi des chemins différents. Le
premier a toujours été aligné sur l'ACBL, avant même que cette organisation
est devenue prédominante en Amérique du Nord. L'Ouest
du Canada, d'autre part, faisait initialement partie de la Ligue Pacific Bridge
qui a fusionné avec l'ACBL assez récemment, en 1955. Ces
deux histoires séparées se retrouvent aujourd'hui à la différence de taille
entre l'Est et du Centre-Ouest des unités canadiennes: celle-ci sont généralement
plus petites géographiquement.
Par les membres canadiens des années 1960 dans l'ACBL a dépassé 10.000, principalement en raison de l'impulsion fournie par le club des ligues et des programmes de tournoi. Autant que les Canadiens jouissent Bridge ACBL, ils n'avaient toujours pas une organisation qui étaient directement liées. Et si la Commission canadienne du Bridge Fédération (CBF) est venu combler cette lacune.
L'impulsion pour la création de la CBF a été une nouvelle occasion pour la compétition internationale créée par la jeune Fédération mondiale de bridge: Les années 1960 World Bridge Olympiad.This était une compétition où chaque pays sera représenté par sa propre équipe nationale. D'ici là, des experts canadiens tels que Eric Murray, Sammy Kehela, Bruce Elliott, et Pearcy Sheardown avaient fait leur marque sur la scène nord-américaine. Ils, et un jeune phalange de bourgeonnement vedettes canadiennes, a relevé le défi de jouer pour le Canada. effort Canadas à la première Olympiade a été un succès mitigé. La situation s'est améliorée en 1964 lorsque notre pays a terminé une impressionnante quatrième. Il est vite devenu évident que certains sorte d'entité a été nécessaire à l'organisation nationale de la concurrence pour la sélection de nos équipes internationales, et, si possible, de leur fournir à la fois soutien moral et financier. Eric Murray, dont l'énergie et le dynamisme sont légendaires, a été l'instigateur de la nouvelle, encore sans nom, de l'organisation. L'organisation a commencé comme un réseau informel d'un océan à l'autre de supporters qui ont progressivement évolué vers une structure plus concrète.
Les unités canadiennes ACBL a répondu favorablement à Erics plans pour construire une organisation formelle. Réunions sur ce thème ont eu lieu chaque fois que les joueurs de bridge recueillies. A de 1965 ressortissants (maintenant appelé l'Amérique du Nord Championnats du Bridge) à Chicago, un groupe d'organisateurs canadiens et les amateurs, dirigé par Eric, a pris la décision historique de créer de la CBF. Ce serait une association volontaire d'unités ACBL canadienne où chaque membre de l'unité serait de décider du niveau de sa contribution financière. Outre Eric, le groupe de Chicago inclus: Henry Smilie, Vancouver, Doug Cannell, Winnipeg; Chuck Jane, Woodstock, Bill Robinson, Al Lando, et Doug Drew, Toronto; Aaron Goodman, de Montréal, et Don Dobson, Halifax. Ensemble, ces personnes représentaient plus de 80% des membres canadiens de l'ACBL.
Une réunion stratégique a eu lieu à Toronto Erics domicile après les Nationals de Chicago. Là, les fondateurs de la CBF, y compris la plupart du noyau de Chicago, a décidé de tenir une nouvelle réunion avec les représentants officiels à l'unité de ressortissants de Denver en 1966. Les fondateurs de présenter un plan pour la formation et la structure de la CBF, qui doit être approuvé par les agents de l'Unité. Celle-ci serait donner de nouvelles orientations sur les politiques régissant la sélection de nos équipes internationales grâce à des essais nationaux, et le financement des joueurs sélectionnés.
Chuck Jane a entrepris la tâche colossale d'élaborer le premier format d'essais et d'organiser un groupe national de bénévoles pour organiser des manifestations locales de qualification pour une finale nationale. La FLC éliminatoires première a abouti à une finale nationale qui s'est tenue à Winnipeg en Septembre 1967.
La CBF a grandi et changé depuis ces premières années. La constitution actuelle prévoit six zones, chacune représentée par un directeur de zone. Les zones comprennent des unités qui sont regroupées plus ou moins en fonction de la géographie.
Les unités restent la pierre angulaire de la CBF, car ils élisent les directeurs de zone et continuera à contribuer financièrement sur une base volontaire. Un événement historique s'est produit récemment en 1990, lorsque l'ACBL a décidé de prélever les cotisations des membres individuels du CBF ACBL canadienne et faire de ces fonds au cours de la CBF. L'implication est que la CBF est devenue une organisation de membres légitimes, en plus d'être une fédération d'unités canadiennes de l'ACBL. La CBF représente désormais l'ensemble des acteurs, et pas seulement les champions en lice pour la compétition internationale. Cela a nécessité de repenser les objectifs de l'organisation et la CBF est en train d'élaborer des programmes ayant un large public, y compris, par exemple: Flighted championnats nationaux, un magazine adapté à un lectorat plus large; diverses initiatives éducatives et la promotion de Bridge un large éventail d'institutions canadiennes.Historiquement, les fonds de fonctionnement général et internationales ont connu une crise financière apparemment perpétuelle. L'avenir du Fonds international est incertain; l'ajout de nouvelles sources de revenus ces dernières années a aidé, mais nous sommes encore loin d'être en mesure de donner un soutien financier adéquat à nos représentants canadiens. Le fonds de fonctionnement général nettement améliorée avec la mise en œuvre des cotisations individuelles. Toutefois, ces dernières années la baisse de membres qui paient la taxe CBF adhésion annuelle (50% seulement des membres de l'ACBL canadiens paient les frais d'adhésion CBF) a de nouveau mis la pression sur ce fonds.
Les Canadiens peuvent être fiers de la CBF 40 + ans. Pour l'avenir, l'avenir de l'organisation dépendra dans une large mesure sur le soutien continu d'un membres informés. Toutefois, éclairée et dévouée sera également un facteur révélateur. Les bénévoles sont la pierre angulaire de la CBF. À la base, le bon déroulement des championnats nationaux dépend de la généreuse contribution du club et de l'unité des fonctionnaires. Cet engagement a toujours été à venir. Qu'elle continue à l'avenir! Au niveau des zones et au niveau national, la CBF a heureusement eu la chance avec les dirigeants de talent, les hommes et les femmes qui ont donné de leur temps et leurs énergies à travers ces 40 premières années. Mesdames et Messieurs les joueurs, nous saluons Bridge du Canadien et je vous remercie pour vos efforts!
Cet article historique a été écrit par Aidan Ballantyne, en collaboration avec Doug Drew, et publié dans la CBF 25ème anniversaire de brochures, Novembre 1991. Mises à jour ont été faites à des parties de l'article en 2007.