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 Doris  RHODES

Lady Doris Mary Rhodes nacque nel 1898 e fu la più forte giocatrice inglese prima dell'avvento di Rixi Markus.

 Assieme al marito Sir John Rhodes e alla signora Bosworth, nel 1931 aprì in Tite street a Chelsea una delle prime scuole di Bridge britanniche che venne chiamata "The Lady Rhodes Bridge School".

 Le due insegnanti furono le prime a propagandare il sistema Culbertson al di qua dell'Oceano.

 Come giocatrice salì alla ribalta internazionale nel 1932 quando, dopo aver vinto il titolo nazionale a Coppie, fece parte prima della squadra britannica che affrontò tedeschi e olandesi al Grosvenor House Hotel e poi di quella che a Copenaghen sfidò i danesi.

 La sua fama salì ai massimi livelli quando nel 1933 fece parte della squadra europea che disputò il Trofeo Schwab contro i Culbertson, il massimo scontro possibile per quei tempi.

Dopo la guerra formò una straordinaria coppia con Rixi Markus e insieme vinsero i Campionati Europei Femminili nel 1951 e nel 1952.

Lady Doris che morì nel 1982 ebbe una figlia Anne, che divenne la moglie del famoso campione inglese Claude Rodrigue.

Lady Doris Mary Rhodes (1898–1982) was Britain's leading female bridge player until the arrival of Rixi Markus.

With her husband, Sir John Rhodes, and a Mrs Bosworth, she started a school for contract bridge in 1931; it was called the Lady Rhodes Bridge School, in Tite Street, Chelsea. Hubert Phillips claimed that she and Mrs Bosworth were the first two registered teachers of the Culbertson system in Britain.

Rhodes became Culbertson's chief representative in Britain; Terence Reese mentions that she taught his mother, and gave her a Culbertson Teacher's Certificate.

Her career as an international player started in 1932 with matches against the Dutch and German teams at Grosvenor House Hotel, and against Denmark in Copenhagen.

Also in 1932, she won the BBL Pairs Championship.

In 1933 she played in one of the most famous matches in bridge history for 'Pops' Beasley's team against the Culbertson team for the Schwab trophy.

After World War II Rhodes played five times in the European Women's team championship.

She was Rixi Markus' first partner in the British team: Markus described her as "A more than satisfactory partner [and] a good friend."

Rhodes and Markus won the European title in 1951 and 1952, and in 1953 toured America in a British women's team. The pair twice defeated an American ladies team on this tour, and also won the prestigious Two Stars event. Rhodes also represented Britain in the women's team at the Olympiad of 1960.

Lady Doris had a daughter Anne, who became the wife of a famous English bridge player Claude Rodrigue.

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