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 Andreas  KIRMSE


 Nato nel 1965, Andreas ha conseguito una laurea in Matematica ed ha imparato il Bridge verso i 21 anni da autodidatta, studiando sui libri.

 Scapolo, frequenta il Bridge Club della sua città: Brema.

 Dopo soli 4 anni già faceva parte della Nazionale Juniores Tedesca e nel 1993 vinceva il Campionato Europeo Universitario a Squadre.

 Nel suo palmares figurano oltre a diversi titoli nazionali: un oro, un bronzo ed un argento nelle Coppie dei Campioni (2006, 2007 e 2014) e un bronzo nel Transnazionale Mondiale a Squadre (2009).

 Cura per conto della Federazione Tedesca le Classifiche dei giocatori tedeschi.

Geb.Datum : 24.01.1965 Familienstand: ledig Berufliche Entwicklung: Promotion in Mathematik, Software-Entwicklungsingenieur

Bridgeclub: BC Bremen 1 Lieblingssytem: Swiss Acol mit schwachem SA Lieblingspartner: Michael Gromöller

Im Alter von 21 Jahren mit Bridge begonnen, aus Büchern erlernt Mitglied der Junioren-Nationalmannschaft 1990 Mitglied der Open-Nationalmannschaft 1993 / 1995 / 2008

15 Deutsche Meisterschaften Gold Championscup 2006 in Rom Gold Studenten-EM 1993 in Antwerpen Sieg beim Bonn Nations-Cup 1995 und 2008 Bronze Champions Cup 2007 in Wroclaw Bronze European-Open-Championship Pau 2008 Silber European-Open-Championship  Milan 2014 4. Platz World Mind Sports Games Peking 2008 4. Platz Champions Cup 2008 Amsterdam

Entwickler der DBV-Rangliste.


Born in 1965, Andreas holds a degree in Mathematics and learned the Bridge to the 21-year self-taught, studying from books.

Bachelor, attends the Bridge Club of his city: Bremen.

After only four years was already part of the National Junior in 1993 and Germany won the European Championship Team University.

In addition to his list included several national titles, a gold, a silver and a bronze in the Champion's Cup (2006, 2014 and 2007) and a bronze in the World Transnational Teams (2009).

Care on behalf of the German Federation of German players Charts.

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