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 Gösta Nordenson  č nato nel 1932 a Stoccolma e ha imparato a giocare il Rubber Bridge dai suoi genitori quando aveva 17 anni.

 Durante il liceo e poi durante l'Universitŕ a Londra, Gösta ha cercato di giocare il piů possibile con gli altri studenti ma ha cominciato a frequentare regolarmente i tornei solo dal 1955.

 Sua moglie Britt Bloom č stata una fortissima giocatrice svedese che tra i molti titoli internazionali vanta la vittoria delle Olimpiadi del 1968 e il bronzo ai Campionati Mondiali a Coppie Femminile del 1970.

 Gösta č l'inventore dei Bidding Box, che oggi sono usati in tutto il mondo,  ma che per la prima volta vennero usati  in un Torneo disputatosi a Uddevalla, una cittadina svedese un centinaio di Km. a Nord di Goteborg.

 I Bidding Box fecero poi il loro ingresso ufficiale nel bridge agonistico ai Campionati del Mondo del 1970 che si disputarono a Stoccolma.

 Quello stesso anno, Gösta cedette il brevetto della sua invenzione a Jannersten.

  Born in Stockholm 1932 Gösta grew up with bridge playing parents.  In 1949 they taught him to play rubber bridge, the game they played regularly.  He began to play as often as he could with his friends in high school, in between classes, after school.  After studying Economics in London, Gösta began playing tournament bridge in 1955.  

 He is married to Britt Bloom Nordenson, one of the all time greatest women's players from Sweden. She won the Olympiad of 1968 and earned a bronze medal in World Women Pairs Championships of 1970.

One day in 1962 he read an article in the Swedish newspaper about a Far East championships in China.  The Chinese had begun to use paper on the table to write the auction rather than do it verbally.  This was implemented both to limit the noise in the room when playing and also to contain information from being stolen from nearby tables.  Later that year he patented a device which would become universal around the world... The Bidding Box.  People were very concerned of the information you may pass to your partner by touching the box in the process of selecting your bid, so a rule was implemented that the box must be situated at least 2cm below the table.

The first tournament they were used was in a tournament in Uddevalla, 100 km from Gothenberg, Sweden.  It became mainstream in Sweden shortly after and when they hosted the World Bridge Championships in Stockholm 1970, the world became aware of their benefits.

That year Gösta sold the Patent to Erik Jannersten to pursue his main interest of Stainless Steel in Avesta, Sweden.   Per Jannersten now runs the family business who still own the patent on the bidding box.

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