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 Radoslaw Cezary Kiełbasiński è nato il 14 febbraio del 1962 a Kędzierzyn-Koźle , ha studiato presso la locale Jagiellonian University di Cracovia ed è un manager bancario di spicco di un importante banca privata che vive a Józefosław una cittadina circa 13 Km. a sud della capitale.

 Buon giocatore, direttore ed istruttore ha ricoperto diversi importanti cariche amministrative, oltre che in seno alla  Federazione Polacca di cui è stato in passato Vice Presidente e Presidente ha ricoperte importanti cariche amministrative anche nella EBL e nella WBF di cui è Vice Presidente dal 2010.

 Scrittore di alcuni libri religiosi e del noto The Bridge Magicians, nel 2004 la IBPA lo ha eletto Celebrità dell'Anno.


  Radoslaw Cezary Kiełbasiński was born on February 14, 1962 in Krakow, he studied English at the Jagiellonian University and a local bank manager leading a major private bank.

Good player, director and instructor has held several important administrative positions.

In 1989 he was elected to the Executive Committee of the Polish Bridge Union, he was first elected President in 2000 and is still in charge for his fourth term.

He has been a member of the Executive Committee of the European Bridge League since 1995, and 2nd Vice-President since 2003.

He was IBPA Personality of the Year in 2004, and awarded the EBL Gold Medal in 2006.

He was elected as a Vice-President of WBF  in 2010.

Writer of some religious books and the famous "The Bridge Magicians", in 2004 the IBPA elected him Celebrities of the Year.

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