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 Judy  KAY


 Nata il 12 giugno del 1934 a Filadelfia, Judy ha studiato presso la scuola superiore Olney e presso la Temple University.

 Proprietaria e direttrice della Kay's Baseball Cards, Judy ha sposato in prime nozze il campione Norman Kay dal quale ha avuto due figli, Larry e Robin, e successivamente l'altro grande campione Bobby Wolff.

 Buona giocatrice ha fatto parte di alcune squadre americane e gestisce un blog di grande successo (http://judy.bridgeblogging.com/).

  Born on June 12, 1934 in Philadelphia, Judy studied at Olney High School and at Temple University.

Owner and director of Kay's Baseball Cards, Judy married Norman Kay, who had two sons, Larry and Robin, and then another great bridge champion Bobby Wolff.

A good bridge player she has been part of some American teams and runs a very successful blog (http://judy.bridgeblogging.com/).

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