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 Ian Spoors è nato nel 1948 a Newcastle ed è stato una personalità di spicco del bridge britannico e nel 1973 fu uno dei membri fondatori del Brunton British Club.

 Come giocatore colse il suo primo successo nel 1975 vincendo il  ‘Charity Challenge Sim Pairs’ ma si distinse maggiormente come Direttore di Torneo guadagnando il titolo di Nazionale nel 1990.

 Anche come insegnante Ian ha avuto un discreto successo richiedendo quote di iscrizioni ridicole e mettendo insieme delle classi talmente affollate da diventare quasi ingestibili.

 Uomo di molteplici interessi, amava la letteratura classica, la vela e suonare l'organo.

 Mai sposato, era rattristato dal non aver potuto avere figli suoi e si dedicava molto ai suoi nipoti Bronwen e Hedley.

 É scomparso dopo una breve malattia nel maggio del 2008.

  Born in 1948, he found great enjoyment with bridge and was a founder member of Brunton BC in 1973.

His first success as a bridge player was winning thein 1975 with Len Wood. Later on he developed a lasting partnership with Steve Ray, playing in many NEBA events when his directing commitments allowed. He worked with the EBU for many years, and was promoted to National TD in 1990. Ian always demanded that things be ‘done proper’.

Ian worked at a local private school, teaching a vast range of subjects at a ridiculously low rate of pay. His intellect and knowledge inspired his pupils who missed him when he was let go as the class sizes became untenable. It is a tribute to the affection in which he was held that many of his former pupils were to be found at his bedside, bringing their children, a source of great delight to Ian.

Ian pursued many interests – in classics, coins, organ music and sailing, and working tirelessly on behalf of the NEBA and EBU. For many years he had been writing commentaries on the Latin poet Catullus, working from texts in Latin, French and German. His main regret would be not completing this work, but he made arrangements for it to be accessible to other Classical scholars.

 It was in some ways a source of sadness to Ian that he never found a soul-mate and had children of his own. It is comforting to know that he found great joy in his niece, Bronwen, and his nephew, Hedley jnr, who were probably as close to him as his own kids might have been.

It disappeared after a short illness in May 2008.

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