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 Ian Mc Cance è nato nel 1927 ed è stato una delle figure di riferimento del bridge australiano per oltre mezzo secolo.

 Ian fece parte di una grande famiglia di bridgisti, il padre Norman (1891 - 1973) è stato tra i fondatori della Victorian Bridge Association, ed editorialista di alcune principali testate tra le quali ricordiamo la rivista Argus, sua mamma Dot e sua sorella Alisa Tandy fecero parte del Victorian Open Team giocando in coppia e riportarono diversi piazzamenti nazionali sia in coppia che separatamente.

 Eminente fisiologo, World Master, Ian fu anche autore del famoso libro "The Setting Trick" e fece parte della squadra australiana che partecipò alle Olimpiade del 1968 e capitanò sia la nazionale open che quella femminile.

 Scomparve il 5 gennaio del 2023.

Ian McCance was born in 1927 and was one of the leading figures in Australian bridge for over half a century.

Ian was part of a large family of bridge players, his father Norman (1891 - 1973) was one of the founders of the Victorian Bridge Association, and a columnist for some major newspapers including Argus magazine, his mother Dot and his sister Alisa Tandy they were part of the Victorian Open Team playing as a duo and they brought back several national placements both in pairs and separately.

Eminent physiologist, World Master, Ian was the author of the famous bridge book "The Setting Trick" and he was part of the Australian team that participated in the 1968 Olympics and captained both the open and women's national teams.

He disappeared on January 5, 2023.

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