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 Lukasz  LEBIODA


 Lukasz Lebioda è nato nel 1943 ed è stato uno dei giocatori della nazionale polacca.

 Laureatosi presso la Jagiellonian University di Cracovia in biochimica si è trasferito negli Stati Uniti nel 1978 dove ha preso il dottorato in chimica fisica presso la Michigan State University e ha una cattedra presso il dipartimento di Chimica e Biochimica della University of South Carolina fin dal 1982.

 Sposato con tre figli, si è accasato permanentemente negli USA dove si trovava per disputare la Rosenblum Cup

 Come bridgista ha vinto una medaglia d'argento ed una di bronzo, rispettivamente ai Campionati Europei del 1970 e del 1973.

Lukasz Lebioda was born in 1943 and is a scientist specializing in structural biochemistry. Married with three children, he made the decision to move permanently to North America while he was playing in the 1978 the Rosenblum Cup in New Orleans. 

Lebioda received his PhD in physical chemistry from Jagiellonian University (Poland) and postdoctoral experience at Michigan State University. He joined the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of South Carolina in 1982.

He currently holds Guy F Lipscomb Sr Chair in Biochemistry. 

His research centres on structural approach, x-ray crystallography, to study mechanism and evolutionary relationship in enolase, thymidylate synthase and recently complement C8 protein.

He has a silver medal from the European Teams Championship in 1970 and a bronze form the same Championships in 1973.

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