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 Kate Buckman è nata nel 1902 a Vancouver ed è stata una rinomata insegnante, direttrice di torneo e proprietaria di bridge club.

 Kate iniziò a giocare a bridge quando si trovava a Vancouver subito dopo la fine del conflitto mondiale e nel 1959 si trasferì a Toronto dove aprì il suo bridge club che vide avvicendarsi nelle sue sale alcuni dei più forti giocatori canadesi di tutti i tempi.

 Nel 1973 fu premiata con l'Edwin A. Wetzlar Memorial e divenne un membro onorario dell'ACBL.

 A causa delle non buone condizioni di salute si vide costretta a cedere il suo bridge club nel 1980.

 Scomparve a Toronto il 13 gennaio del 1997.

 Nel 1982 il Metropolitan Toronto B.A. donò un trofeo alla Unit 166 in sua memoria.

  Kate Buckman (1902-1997) of Toronto ON, bridge teacher, director and bridge club owner.

She introduced duplicate bridge to Vancouver BC shortly after World War II.

She opened her studio in Toronto in 1959. It developed into the largest bridge club in Canada averaging 300 tables a week and 750 students a year. Many bridge stars and personalities such as Sami Kehela, Eric Murray, George Mittelman, Percy Sheardown, Bruce Elliott and Bruce Gowdy developed at this studio.

She had certain ideals and traditions upon which she was insistent and these remain in effect today.

In 1973 she received the Edwin A. Wetzlar Memorial Award and was made ACBL Honorary Member.

In 1983 she suffered a stroke and in 1990 sold her studio, but continued to visit and play occasionally.

In 1982 the Metropolitan Toronto B.A. donated a trophy to Unit 166 to honor Kate.

The Kate Buckman Award recognizes special qualities, not solely bridge ability. She was its first recipient..

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