Nato nel 1929 nella provincia di Aceh nel nord dell'isola di Sumatra in Indonesia, Amran ha 18 anni è entrato nell'Accademia Militare e ha partecipato alla guerra per l'indipendenza del suo Paese dall'Olanda.
Quando nel 1949 l'Indonesia fu indipendente, lasciò la vita militare e completò gli studi laureandosi in Economia e Commercio.
Amran è stato il primo funzionario statale a guidare un'impresa di Stato con sede a Tokio decuplicando l'esportazione indonesiano in un solo anno.
Quando nel 1967 il Presidente Suharto autorizzò l'ingresso nel Paese di imprese straniere, Amran divenne in pochi anni Direttore Generale della Krama Yudha Mitsubishi Motors Group, posizione che mantenne fino al suo pensionamento avvenuto nel 1997.
Zamzami è anche stato l'organizzatore dei Campionati Mondiali Giovanili del 1995 una competizione che ha brillato come non mai per la perfezione organizzativa.
Più volte Presidente della Federazione Indonesiana, fu anche Presidente della Far East Bridge Federation.
Giornalista accreditato alla IBPA ha avuto un ruolo importantissimo nella crescita del Bridge del Far East.
Si è spento nel 2005.
Born in 1929 in Aceh, at 18, he joined the Indonesian Military Academy ahead of
commanding an artillery battery defending the city of Medan on the island of
Sumatra against the Dutch army. In 1949, when Indonesia had secured independence
and full sovereignty, he left the military and returned to complete high school,
winning a Colombo Plan scholarship that led him to UNSW.
Mr Zamzami’s career spans a remarkable era in Indonesian history. First employed by the Indonesian government, as general manager of State Enterprises in Tokyo where he enjoyed an early success boosting his country’s exports to Japan from $300,000 to $3 million in one year, he was quickly moved on to higher promotions, international delegations, fact-finding missions and to become an adviser to bodies such as the Indonesian Foreign Investment Board. In 1967 he was in the halls of power when President Suharto took control of Indonesia, a move that opened up opportunities for the country and entrepreneurial individuals. Mr Zamzami’s initial foray into private enterprise was as vice-president and finance director of the national holding company PT Krama Yudha Mitsubishi Motors Group in 1972, but just one year later he became its managing director, a position he held until retirement in 1997. In that time the company became one of the biggest automotive industrial operators in Indonesia.
Zamzami was the Chairman/Chief Organiser of the 1995 World Junior Bridge Team Championship in Bali, Indonesia, an event which set the standard for excellence in bridge tournament organisation, in our experience seldom equaled and never surpassed.
It was Zamzami’s fervent wish to bring the Bermuda Bowl/Venice Cup to Indonesia, and he played a major part in the negotiations with the WBF to realise that dream, only to miss by a month in 2001 when the championships were switched to Paris at the last moment due to fears of international terrorism.
Zamzami was several times President or Vice-President of GABSI, the Indonesian Bridge Federation, and once President of the Far East Bridge Federation (precursor to PABF).
He often served as the NPC of Indonesian international teams and was instrumental in putting their Seniors team together for Estoril.
As an IBPA member, Zamzami won the journalist’s prize for reporting the Best Bid Hand of 1994.
Amran Zamzami was one of those rare people who had the ability to make everyone around him better.
There was no one in the world of bridge more gracious and gentlemanly than he.
His contribution to Indonesian, Far East and world bridge is massive.
He his died in December 2005.
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