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Harold Tucker WEBSTER


 Harold Tucker Webster, Webby per gli amici, è nato a Parkesburg in West Virginia il 21 settembre del 1875 ed è stato un noto fumettista americano a cavallo tra gli anni '20 e '50 dello scorso secolo.

 Cresciuto a Tomahawk nel Wisconsin, già a 12 anni vendette il suo primo cartoon alla rivista "Recreation".

 Trasferitosi a Chicago ha studiato brevemente presso la "Frank Holmes School of Illustration", praticamente autodidatta nel 1912 fu assunto dal New York Tribune.

 Dopo essersi sposatosi con Ethel Worts creò il suo personaggio più famoso "Timid Soul".

 Amante del bridge, conobbe i più famosi giocatori dell'epoca e le sue vignette sul gioco restano imperiture.

 Morì il 22 settembre del 1952 a Stamford nel Connecticut.

  Harold Tucker Webster, Webby to friends, was born in Parkesburg, West Virginia on September 21, 1875 and was a well-known American cartoonist between the 1920s and 1950s.

 Growing up in Tomahawk, Wisconsin, at the age of 12 he sold his first cartoon to "Recreation" magazine.

 He moved to Chicago and studied briefly at the "Frank Holmes School of Illustration", practically self-taught in 1912 he was hired by the New York Tribune.

 Married to Ethel Worts he created his most famous character "Timid Soul".

 Lover of bridge, he met the most famous players of the time and his cartoons on the game remain undying.

 He died on September 22, 1952 in Stamford, Connecticut.

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