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 Eastland Stuart Staveley nacque l'8 giugno del 1926 a Birkenhead una cittadina poco distante da Liverpool, dove il padre insegnava storia. 

 Staveley aveva iniziato a studiare al Queen's College di Oxford quando si arruolò volontario in marina divenendo un elemento prezioso dell'intelligence grazie alla sua conoscenza del giapponese.

 Dopo la guerra completò gli studi a Oxford e divenne docente di storia antica prima alla St. Andrew University e poi al Bedford College di Londra.

 Eastland fu musicista e cantante del coro della filarmonica di Liverpool dove incontrò la sua prima moglie Anne.

 Insieme, i due costituirono l'asse portante della nascente English Bridge Union.

 Trasferitosi con la moglie Anne Staveley, che era la Vice Presidente dell'EBU, a Shieldaig in Scozia, alla di lei morte avvenuta il 10 aprile del 1985 prese il suo posto presso la IBPA e lo mantenne fine al 2005.

 Ebbe anche un figlio che morì prima di lui.

 Risposatosi nel 1986 con un altra Anne, fu noto per la sua avversione a qualsiasi innovazione tecnologica, non prese mai l'aereo e continuò fino alla morte, avvenuta il 27 novembre del 2009, a scrivere i suoi articoli su una vecchia macchina da scrivere.

 Giocatore di discreto talento, vinse alcuni titoli nazionali negli anni '70 ma, nel mondo del bridge, viene ricordato principalmente per la sua opera di amministratore.

Stuart Staveley of Ross-shire, who has died at 83, was a code-breaker at Bletchley Park in the last year of the war; he was a rarity, a British teenager who knew Japanese. 

He later became a key administrator for the game of bridge in England and then for the IBPA.

Eastland Stuart Staveley was born on June 8, 1926 in Birkenhead, where his father taught history. 

Staveley went to Queen’s College, Oxford to read ancient history. 

He had already volunteered for the navy and was recruited by naval intelligence.

His interviewer was Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond books. 

After the war he completed his studies at Oxford, taking a doctorate. He lectured in ancient history at St Andrew’s University and then Bedford College, London. 

Staveley was musical and sang in the Liverpool Philharmonic Choir. He met his first wife, Anne, at the University opera society. 

From 1965 to 1978 the two of them were the full staff of the growing English Bridge Union. 

Staveley was a county bridge-player who was in the Oxfordshire team that won the County Championship for the Tollemache Cup in 1974.

Dr. & Mrs. Staveley retired to Shieldaig in Scotland in 1978. Anne Staveley died in 1985, whereupon Dr. Staveley took over from her the post of IBPA Membership Secretary, from which he retired in 2005. 

Staveley remarried in 1986.

Staveley was a man who eschewed modern technology. 

Travel by airplane was avoided, and no computer was allowed in the house. Reports were produced on an ancient typewriter but were always precise and accurate. 

Staveley had one son who predeceased him and leaves a widow, also Anne, and two grandchildren.

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