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 Harry G. Shaffer nacque il 28 agosto del 1919 a Vienna durante l'invasione nazista e visse a Cuba due anni prima di trasferirsi definitivamente negli Stati Uniti dove durante la seconda guerra mondiale lavorò come interprete presso la U.S. Army Intelligence.

 Harry si laureò in Economia presso la New York University e nel 1956 entrò come docente nella University of Alabama che abbandonò quasi subito a causa delle proteste di natura nazista degli studenti bianchi.

 Ebbe miglior fortuna presso la University of Kansas dove insegnò per 51 anni diventando uno dei docenti più popolari dell'intero campus.

 Eccellente bridgista colse la sua migliore affermazione con la vittoria ai Campionati a Coppie Open americani nel 1999.

 Continuò a giocare almeno due volte la settimana fin poco prima della sua morte avvenuta il 3 novembre del 2009. 

  He was born in Vienna, Austria and left in 1938 when the Nazis invaded. He lived in Cuba for two years before coming to the United States. Harry served as a German translator in U.S. Army Intelligence during World War II. The G.I. Bill paid for an education at New York University where he earned a doctorate in economics.

He was teaching at the University of Alabama in 1956 when the school admitted its first black student, Autherine Lucy. When more than 3,000 white students protested, she complained that the University had not done enough to protect her. She was expelled for defamation and Harry along with 28 other members of the faculty left in protest.

The event proved to be most fortunate for the University of Kansas, where Harry came and taught for 51 years. He was one of the most popular teachers on campus. He often joked about people approaching him and telling him they had taken a class from him, or that a parent had taken a class from him. Only once, he said, did someone say, “My grandfather took a class from you.”

In 1999, Harry and partner and fellow KU professor James Gunn represented District 15 of the American Contract Bridge League in the North American Open Pairs event at NABC in Vancouver, British Columbia. They brought home a resounding victory, winning first place in C against other talented pairs from all over the US and Canada.

Harry played bridge at least twice a week and played in the Trick or Treat sectional tournament in Lawrence just days before he passed away.

He is well known among local bridge players as a sharp, smart and aggressive player with a tremendous grasp of the game.

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