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 Elaine Poulsen è nata nel 1929 a Brisbane ed è stata una bridgista australiana di rinomanza nazionale che è andata per la maggiore tra gli anni '70 e '90 dello scorso secolo.

 Elaine ha fatto parte della squadra che ha vinto i Campionati della Far East Bridge Federation nel 1974 e questo rappresenta la sua unica affermazione a livello internazionale.

 Sul piano domestico ha vinto 5 volte i Campionati del Queensland a Coppie Femminili nel 1973, 1979, 1983, 1986 e 1993.

 Con la sua partner abituale Phil Brown, ha anche vinto i Campionati del Queensland a Squadre nel 1973.

 Elaine è scomparsa l'8 giugno del 2016 nella sua Brisbane.

  Elaine Poulsen represented Australia in the Far East Women’s Team in Manila 1974 and she has been one of major Australian women bridge player  between the 70s and the 90s of last century.

 This was only the second time that a Women’s team had been successful at the Far East Bridge Federation (now APBF).

 Elaine and her partner Phil Brown were the Queensland Women’s Pairs Champions in 1973, 1979, 1983, 1986 and 1993.

 Elaine and Phil also won the ANC Women’s Pairs and they were in the winning ANC Women’s Teams in 1973 for Queensland.

 Here is an excerpt from Australian Bridge February 1975:
“That the four NSW women (Mary McMahon, Ruth Eaton, Gerda Stern and Winsom Lipscomb) form a remarkable team is well known but what must be said right at the beginning of this report is that the Queensland par, Phil Brown and Elaine Poulsen welded themselves into that team as if they had belonged to it all the time and not competed for the first time in it and that overseas. They were a charming and most successful addition to the NSW women.

 Elaine Poulsen death in Brisbane June 8, 2016.

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