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Janusz Ryszard Korwin-Mikke è nato il 27 ottobre del 1942 a Varsavia è un economista, un giornalista ed un commentatore politico leader di "libertà e legalità".

 Korwin-Mikke ha studiato contemporaneamente matematica e filosofia all'Università di Varsavia, più volte arrestato dal regime comunista per aver partecipato alle proteste studentesche, durante la sua detenzione ha studiato anche legge, psicologia e sociologia.

 Negli tra il 1969 ed il 1974 è stato ricercatore presso l'Istituto dei Trasposti Samochodowego e presso l'Università di Varsavia.

 Nel 1978 ha fondato una casa editrice clandestina: Oficyna Liberałów.

 Membro del Partito Democratico dal 1962 al 1982 ha appoggiato il movimento di Solidarność e dopo l'imposizione delle leggi marziali venne ancora arrestato e rilasciato.

 Membro del Parlamento della Terza Repubblica Polacca fu candidato una prima volta alla Presidenza ottenendo il 2,4% dei voti, quoziente che successivamente in una sola occasione riuscì ad innalzare al 14%.

 Radical liberale, viene considerato dalle potenze occidentali come un liberale conservatore è stato uno dei primi ad usare la rete come mezzo di propaganda politica.

 Ottimo bridgista, qualche volta ha fatto parte della nazionale polacca ed è anche un discreto scacchista.

  Janusz Ryszard Korwin-Mikke, born October 27, 1942 in Warsaw, Poland) is a Polish conservative liberal political commentator and politician. He is the leader of Freedom and Lawfulness, having previously led the Real Politics Union.

Janusz Ryszard Korwin-Mikke studied at the Faculty of Mathematics and (simultaneously) Faculty of Philosophy of the Warsaw University. In 1965 he was detained by the communist authorities, while studying psychology, law and sociology. In 1968 he was again arrested and relegated from the university for his participation in students' protests. He passed master's examination without attending a course (philosophy).

In years 1969–74 he was a researcher in the Institute of Motor Transport (Instytut Transportu Samochodowego), and then at the Warsaw University. Political commentator. In 1978 he established "Liberal Publishing House" (Oficyna Liberałów), an underground publishing house.

From 1962 until 1982 he was a member of the Democratic Party (Stronnictwo Demokratyczne), a puppet party subordinate to the communist authorities. In August 1980 he supported the political strike of the Szczecin Shipyard workers, and later he was an adviser of NSZZ Rzemieślników Indywidualnych "Solidarność" (The Independent Craftsmen's Union).

After the imposition of martial law he was interned but later released.

In 1987 he was elected the chairman of a liberal-conservative political party called Ruch Polityki Realnej (The Real Politics Movement), which in 1989 changed its name to Unia Polityki Realnej (UPR, The Real Politics Union). In 1990 he established a new weekly Najwyższy Czas! ("The Time is Now!"). Lech Wałęsa appointed him to become a member of Solidarity's advisory body - Komitet Obywatelski (The Civic Committee).

Korwin-Mikke was a Member of Parliament during the first term of Sejm (Polish Parliament) of the Third Republic of Poland. Originator of the vetting resolution. He was a candidate for the UPR in the Polish Presidential Election of 1995, obtaining 2.4% of the vote.

He was also candidate in 2000 when he got 1.43% of the vote. In the senate by-election in Wrocław in April 2004 he got 18% votes, but finally did not receive the seat. In the presidential elections of 2005 he obtained 1.4% of the vote.

Janusz Korwin-Mikke's economic views are radically liberal, in the classical sense of the word; in the U.S. his views would be best described as libertarian conservative.

Politically, he is an advocate of monarchy and a member of the Conservative-Monarchist Club.

In 2009 he left UPR and created a new party, Freedom and Lawfulness (Polish: Wolność i Praworządność, WIP).

Korwin-Mikke is a popular public figure in the mass-media and on the internet, mainly due to often unusual or eccentric ways of demonstrating his political stances. For instance, he protested against high taxes in Poland by eating his tax return together with a Polish musician Krzysztof Skiba in front of the Polish revenue service office.

Janusz Korwin-Mikke has been a national champion in bridge, and sometime a member of the national team.

He is also skilled chess player.

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