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 Thomas Dudley Harmon nacque il 28 settembre del 1919 a Rensselaer una cittā limitrofa ad Albany ed č stato un halfback del football americano.

 Cresciuto nell'universitā del Michigan dove vinse l'Heisman che negli USA č il massimo riconoscimento individuale a livello universitario, ha giocato nel Michigan Wolverines e nei Los Angeles Rams ritirandosi prematuramente nel 1947 a causa degli infortuni alle gambe riportati durante la guerra.

 Fu il primo degli atleti ad effettuare con successo la traslazione da stella sportiva a celebritā dei media.

 Sposato con l'attrice Elyse Knox che gli diede tre figli, tra i quali Mark che divenne il celebre interprete della serie televisiva NCIS, era un discreto bridgista dilettante.

Scomparve il 15 marzo del 1990 a Los Angeles.

  Thomas Dudley Harmon was born on September 28, 1919 in Rensselaer near Albany and was a halfback of American football.

 Raised at the University of Michigan where he won Heisman Trophy,  the highest individual recognition at the university level in the US, he played in Michigan Wolverines and Los Angeles Rams retiring prematurely in 1947 due to leg injuries reported during the war.

He was the first of the athletes to successfully perform the sports star move to media celebrities.

Married to actress Elyse Knox who gave him three children, among them Mark who became the famous performer of the NCIS television series, he was a discreet amateur bridge player.

He disappeared 1990, March 15 in Los Angeles where he lived.

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