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 Eric Crowhurst è nato nel 1937 a Crawley una cittadina del West Sussex situata un centinaio di Km. a Sud di Londra ed ha studiato alla Scuola Superiore di Leighton Park School ed alla Università di Southampton dove è divenuto Dottore Commercialista.

 Ha lavorato per molti anni presso la fabbrica di  birra Courage che si trova nella città di Reading circa 70 Km ad Ovest della capitale.

 Sposato con Anne dal 1976, hanno avuto due figlie.

 Eric colse molti successi a livello nazionale arrivando a conquistare la Gold Cup nel 1971 e la Crockford's Cup nel 1980, ma certamente è più noto come scrittore e teorico.

 Testi come  Precision Bidding in Acol, Understanding Acol (The Good Bidding Guide) e Acol in Competition hanno avuto grande rinomanza nei Paesi di lingua anglosassone.

 Articolista famoso, come teorico della licita ha ideato la prima check back della storia del Bridge che portava il suo nome (la 2 Crowhurst).

 Scomparve a Reading il 30 maggio del 2012.

 Crowhurst was born in Crawley in 1937, educated at Leighton Park School and Southampton University, qualified as a Chartered Accountant, and worked for many years for Courage Brewery in Reading.

He married Anne in 1976 and they had two daughters.

Eric achieved great success in bridge.  He played five matches for England in the Camrose Trophy and coached the national women’s team in the 70s.  He was in teams that won the Gold Cup in 1971 (and were runners-up in 1977), the Hubert Philips Bowl in 1979, the Crockford’s Cup in 1980, the Spring Fours in 1980, 1981 and 1991, and the Autumn Congress Teams in 1965.   He won the Two Stars Pairs in 1967 and the Life Masters pairs in 1969 and 1972.  He became a Grand Master in 1975, the thirteenth player to reach this rank, and in 2007 became a Premier Grand Master when that rank was introduced.

At county and club level he won most of the trophies at least once and also served on committees.  He was made a life member of Berks & Bucks County Bridge Association.

He wrote several books and was always thinking about developments to make bidding more precise. 

The ones that are most well-known are Precision Bidding in Acol (1974) and Acol in Competition (1980).  The first check-back convention bears his name.  He wrote regular articles for newspapers and magazines here and in the US. He helped the game develop through his lucid explanations of Acol theory and through teaching. 

He was always willing to offer advice, if asked, and it was common for opponents meeting Eric for the first time to confess that his books were their “bible”.  

Crowhurst died in 2012 in Reading.

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