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Cecil COOK


 Cecil Q. Cook è nato il 18 settembre del 1932 a Marshalltown nello Iowa, secondo di 4 figli.

 Si è laureato in ingegneria civile e dopo essersi sposato con Beverly si arruolò in Marina dove completò l'addestramento e divenne un ufficiale addetto alle comunicazioni

 Lasciata la Marina si trasferì in California con la moglie ed entrò alla Douglas Aircraft.

 Nel 1989 si pensionò e si dedicò al bridge e al poker, ricoprendo varie cariche amministrative e divenendo nel 1995 anche Presidente dell'ACBL.

 Cecil, che ha avuto l'unica figlia Karen, scomparve il 27 maggio del 2018 a Placerville.

Cecil Q. Cook was born on September 18, 1932 in Marshalltown, Iowa, second of four children.

He graduated in civil engineering and after getting married to Beverly he enlisted in the Navy where he completed training and became a communications officer.

After leaving the Navy he moved to California with his wife and joined Douglas Aircraft.

In 1989 he retired and dedicated himself to bridge and poker, covering various administrative positions and becoming in 1995 also President of ACBL.

Cecil, who had her daughter Karen, disappeared on May 27, 2018 in Placerville.

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