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 Bill Buttle è nato nel 1941 ed è stato un noto cartoonist canadese particolarmente noto ai bridgisti di tutto il mondo per le splendide vignette che era solito creare sulle consuetudini in essere per il loro hobby preferito. Le sue vignette "Out of Hand" erano abituali sull'ACBL Bulletin ed hanno fatto il giro di tutto il mondo.

 Abbandonata la carriera di dentista si dedicò alla sua vera passione e le sue creazioni comparvero a lungo su giornali e riviste dell'intero Canada e sulle copertine dei libri specializzati come quella famosissima sulle celebri "Menagerie" di Victor Mollo.

 Sposato con Linda Chauvin ebbe due figli e fu anche un discreto chitarrista, suonava con successo pure il banjo.

Scomparve ad Arnprior, dove viveva, il 19 gennaio del 2020.

Bill Buttle was born in 1941 and was a well-known Canadian cartoonist particularly known to bridge players all over the world for the splendid cartoons he used to create on the customs in place for their favourite hobby. His "Out of Hand" cartoons were habitual on the ACBL Bulletin and have made it around the world.

After abandoning his career as a dentist, he devoted himself to his true passion and his creations appeared for a long time in newspapers and magazines throughout Canada and on the covers of specialized books such as the famous one on Victor Mollo's famous "Menagerie".

Married to Linda Chauvin he had two children and was also a discreet guitarist, he also successfully played the banjo.

He disappeared in Arnprior, where he lived, on January 19, 2020.

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